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Spaces and Ideas

An overview of the entangled German "Begegnung" with Brazil

Gildo Magalhães Santos

This book is the result of a call issued by FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo), in cooperation with BAYLAT (BayerischesHochschulzen-
trumfürLateinamerika), for Brazilian and German scholars to present their research, under the general theme “Bavaria and São Paulo: the making of knowledge, science, arts an entanglement perspective”.  The research discussion took place during two workshops, devoted to contextualizing research which can explain more in depth the making of the scientic and cultural entanglement of these regions  e two groups from each country focused on the methods applied to present the  ndings of  eld expeditions and cultural achievements (visual registering, collecting, cataloguing, conserving), as well as the circulation techniques of the respective scientic/artistic results expositions or publications. In that respect, the process of reception and appropriation of collective memories was another research topic.


​ISBN: 978-65-86255-94-2
Formato: 16x23 cm ​
​Paginas: 212

​Preço:R$ 50,00

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